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That Time An Animal Gigged With The Blue Meanies

During the summer of 2015, we Blue Meanies performed at an outdoor Beatles convention in Connecticut. One of the main guests was the late Hilton Valentine who was the lead guitarist for the 1960s British band The Animals. He joined us on stage to perform a batch of songs. Prior to the show, he rehearsed with us and he used my Guild F512-12 acoustic.


Here are a few photos from that fun day!






Also pictured is the Blue Meanies' drummer, the late, great JT.



For the performance, I opted for the David Jones tambourine whilst Hilton Valentine wound up with Damian's Epiphone Casino. Our hapless lead-guitarist wound up playing my said Guild 12-string acoustic, and, as we can see, was a bit out of his element.

In the end, we all had a great time jamming with the Animal!



After the show.



Here's Hilton Valentine with the Animals playing a vintage Gretsch Tennessean.

This performance was featured in the 1965 film "Pop Gear".
