Guitarist & Musician
Gary Owen
Music is the universal solvent
Gary Owen Promo Video

My Schedule
I have traveled and gigged around the USA as well as worked in other countries such as Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, England, Italy, France, The Netherlands, Poland, Scotland, Canada.

My Repertoire
My repertoire consists mostly of music from the 1960’s & 1970’s era – The Beatles, The Monkees, The Byrds, The Rolling Stones, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Gordon Lightfoot, Gilbert O’Sullivan, The Beach Boys, The Allman Brothers, etc.
The equipment I’ve used on the road is Guild JF-30, JF-65, F-512 jumbo 12-string acoustics, 1967 Gretsch Viking, 2008 Gretsch White Falcon, 1988 Roger McGuinn Limited Edition 12-string Rickenbacker, 1972 Fender Twin Reverb amplifier.
About Gary Owen
I was born and raised in New York City. Two things that have remained constant in my world are laughter and music. Mom and Dad were both huge fans of all types of good music. On any Saturday afternoon you could hear the sounds of the Boston Pops, Scott Joplin or The Beatles. One thing is for sure we never complained about having all this great music in our lives.
In May, 1983, I began learning guitar. I took lessons for less than one month and realized I was learning more by strumming along with my Beatles albums. I would come home from school and lock myself away in my room until I learned whatever song it was I wanted to conquer.
Then as the years rolled by, I was noticing that perhaps the notion of following my dream of being a musician could possibly become fact. During the summer of 1991, I happened to wander into a pub in Milford, Pa and caught a show by solo performer Will Hoppey. I thought, ”Wow! That looks like fun! I think I will try that!”
And so I did and have not looked back since.
So for most of the 1990’s I performed as a solo act, 12 string acoustic and vocal, in local pubs in the tri state area. Most of the tunes I perform are from that 1960’s-1970’s era that I grew up on.
In February 2000, I was offered a chance to tour Scandinavia. It was quite frightening going at it alone but it was the greatest thing I could ever have done. Since then, I have toured Scandinavia and Europe many times. Playing guitar has taken me to such places as Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Austria, Poland, England, Scotland, Holland and Canada.
And for my Scandinavian friends......
Jeg ble født, og vokste opp, i New York City. Musikk og humor har alltid fantes i min verden. Mine foreldre var glad i alle typer god musikk. I min oppvekst var toner fra The Boston Pops, Scott Joplin eller Bing Crosby, en selvfølge på en lørdagsettermiddag. Mine brødre og jeg har The Beatles som vårt favoritt band.
En maidag i 1983, tenkte jeg, “Jeg tror jeg vil lære å spille gitar”.
Så gjorde jeg dèt.
Etter å ha tatt gitartimer i mindre enn èn måned, måtte jeg innse, at jeg lærte mye mer av å spille med Beatlesplatene mine. Det ble en vane å gjøre nettopp det etter skoletid. Jeg lukket døren til rommet mitt, og lærte meg selv å spille den ene Beatleslåten etter den andre. Mine stakkars naboer!
I årene som fulgte, innså jeg at muligheten for at min drøm om å bli musiker på heltid, kanskje kunne bli oppfylt. En dag i 1991, gikk jeg for å se en solo opptreden av en musiker kalt Will Hoppey. Jeg tenkte; “Jøss! Det ser gøy ut! Dèt vil jeg prøve!”
Så gjorde jeg dèt. Og jeg har ikke sett tilbake siden.hen.
I mesteparten av nittiårene, opptredde jeg som soloartist; vokalist og med tolvstrings aukustisk gitar. Jeg spilte i lokale pub`er i New York, New Jersey og i Pennsylvania. De fleste låter jeg fremfører er sanger er fra seksti- og syttitallet, fra mine barndomsår.
I februar 2000 fikk jeg et tilbud om å spille i Scandinavia. Det var skremmende å skulle gjøre dette alene, men det viste seg å være det beste jeg kunne ha gjort. Siden da, har jeg reist og jobbet i Scandinavia og Europa ti ganger. Det var fantastisk å besøke de forskjellige landene, Norge, Danmark, Sverige, Island, Finland, Tyskland, Sveits, Italia, Frankrike, Østerike, Polen, England, Scotland og Holland.
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Gary Owen CDs and digital singles
Albums are also available as digital downloads along with two digital singles. “Let’s Remember Yesterday (Mono Single Mix)” and “Summer Dream”.

Staten Island’s own Gary Owen performs as a solo act (12 string acoustic and vocal). Gary has toured Scandinavia/ Europe many times and has released two CD’s: “Autumn” and “Summer”. Each “seasonal” album represents Owen’s mood during these certain times of year. Both feature nine originals- one repeated in a foreign language- plus two covers by Monkee Michael Nesmith (“The Girl I Knew Somewhere” & “Silver Moon”). A splendid time is guaranteed for all!

The second CD by Staten Island artist Gary Owen. Released in 2006, “Summer” follows the same theme as it’s 1995 predecessor “Autumn” with nine originals – including one repeated in a foreign language – and two covers by Monkee Michael Nesmith (“Grand Ennui” & “Nevada Fighter”). The seasonal theme is used to represent Gary Owen’s personal moods. “Autumn” has more of a laid back vibe whereas “Summer” is pretty much your standard rock album. You be the judge.

“Summer Dream” takes us on a sojourn through an ethereal world of evergreen forests, meadows and midnight blue skies. Time stands still as we soar throughout a sub-conscious world of innocence and serenity. The track is taken from Gary Owen’s CD “Summer”.

Written in 1991, Gary Owen’s “Let’s Remember Yesterday” is a featured track on his 1995 debut album “Autumn”. However, this is an exclusive monophonic mix of the song which was released as a preview cassette single in December, 1994. Only 100 copies were pressed.